An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes

About TPS Ministries

What MLK Day means to me

It is a blessing to see the fruit of God’s promises that were spoken through Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as we inaugurate our first African-American President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

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New Year’s Day on Prayer Mountain

The Lord told me, “Go to the mountain on the East that I will show you, and meet me there on New Year’s Day. According to the instructions of my prophet from Colorado, you will decree and declare dominion and victory over this region called Sin City.

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My Abortions

During the years with him, I got pregnant (more than once), and had abortions. It took years for me to forgive myself. But, recently we were reconnected and the Lord told me that I had to share my testimony with him.

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A Date with the King (A story by The Prophetic Scribe)

This is the day she had been waiting for all week long. She had a date with the king. All week long, he was all she could think about. Although, they communicated several times a day, their relationship had grown more and more intimate over the years. She could not wait to get in his presence and worship him.

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Hidden Baggage

Hiding your baggage that you think no one else can see. Coming to God with dirty hands on bent knee You were commanded to get rid of it long ago, But you examine it in secret where you think ]no one will know.

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God Said, Praise Me!!!

When I got saved, the Lord told me that I could not “perform” my Christian poetry. He was referring to the entertainment aspect of spoken word that I had perfected when I was doing “poetry” in the world.

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My Name is Jesus

I’m not your genie in a bottle or the god you call by name to grant your every wish. You quote your famous preachers on earth, but the revelation of my Word is what you miss.

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