An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes


The Role of Prophets Today

The role of prophets today is different than the prophets of old. Prophets of old were God’s mouthpiece. It was through them that people knew what God was saying. Today, we have the Holy Spirit, so we can receive directly from God. In addition, we are free from the law, but does that mean that the prophets are no longer necessary? Absolutely not. Below are some of the ways God still uses prophets and how they benefit the body of Christ today.

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New Year’s Day on Prayer Mountain

The Lord told me, “Go to the mountain on the East that I will show you, and meet me there on New Year’s Day. According to the instructions of my prophet from Colorado, you will decree and declare dominion and victory over this region called Sin City.

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New Wine

I am repositioning my people, says the Lord. Many of you have new wine , but the place where you worship is not ready to receive it. You don’t fit their standard. You don’t compromise the word of God. You are too outspoken. They call you self-righteous and holier than thou because you seek after ME with all your heart, mind and soul.

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The True Vine

Recently, I have been experiencing heart palpitations, and leg pain to the point of having to lean on a cane. Yes, I know that this is an attack of the enemy, but I refuse to give him too much credit or control over my body or my mind. The Lord told me that the pain I am experiencing in my body is a result of the roots that are being pulled up. Yes, that’s right. Roots of unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, and anger. Issues that have been “pruned”, but not “uprooted”.

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