The First Day of Creation
Start the New Year off right – With the Word of God. The Prophetic Scribe explors Genesis.
Start the New Year off right – With the Word of God. The Prophetic Scribe explors Genesis.
The real reason for the season: A Christmas poem by Arletia Mayfield, The Prophetic Scribe.
When God gives you a new name, it is an indication that you have not just been called, but hat you have been chosen by God (Mat 22:14). The new name is your new identity in God and represents His covenant with you. Abram’s name was changed to Abraham and he was promised to be the father of many nations (Gen. 17:5).
One of the biggest challenges facing ministries is funding. Some ministries become so desperate that they resort to manipulation to get people to donate. Other gifted ministers use their talents to write books, produce music or sponsor conferences that raise money for their ministries. Simply asking just doesn’t seem to produce results anymore.
God spoke to me today and said, “Great nations will fall. Because you have rejected me and made mockery of my great sacrifice and even blaspheme the Holy Spirit boldly, you shall be left desolate.
This is the testimony of The Prophetic Scribe. This is a testament of what God will do, if you seek Him with all of your heart, obey His word, and respond to His call.
The Prophetic Scribe Writer’s Forum represents a place of healing and growth where Christian writers are encouraged to journal your way to wholeness and holiness based on these three foundational scriptures:
(c) Copyright 2005-2024 Arletia Mayfield @ TPS Publications, a division of The prophetic Scribe ministries. all rights reserved.