An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes



The Ministry of the Standard Bearer

The Ministry of the Standard Bearer, the symbolic use of flags and banners in ministry by Arletia Mayfield teaches flag ministry dancers how to go from being a decoration to a declaration.

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Overcome Fear

How many times does the Lord have to tell us not to fear before we BELIEVE HIM? Be inspired by this message from Arletia Mayfield

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The Life Investment of Ministry (A Testimony by The Prophetic Scribe)

One of the biggest challenges facing ministries is funding. Some ministries become so desperate that they resort to manipulation to get people to donate. Other gifted ministers use their talents to write books, produce music or sponsor conferences that raise money for their ministries. Simply asking just doesn’t seem to produce results anymore.

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The True Vine

Recently, I have been experiencing heart palpitations, and leg pain to the point of having to lean on a cane. Yes, I know that this is an attack of the enemy, but I refuse to give him too much credit or control over my body or my mind. The Lord told me that the pain I am experiencing in my body is a result of the roots that are being pulled up. Yes, that’s right. Roots of unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, and anger. Issues that have been “pruned”, but not “uprooted”.

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