An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes


Bible Study/Devotionals

Martha Monologue

In this monologue, Arletia Mayfield portrays Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus. 

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Bible Study/Devotionals

Eve Monologue

Bible Study: Arletia Mayfield gives us a sneak peak into the mind heart soul of the first woman, Eve.

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Overcome Fear

How many times does the Lord have to tell us not to fear before we BELIEVE HIM? Be inspired by this message from Arletia Mayfield

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The Role of Prophets Today

The role of prophets today is different than the prophets of old. Prophets of old were God’s mouthpiece. It was through them that people knew what God was saying. Today, we have the Holy Spirit, so we can receive directly from God. In addition, we are free from the law, but does that mean that the prophets are no longer necessary? Absolutely not. Below are some of the ways God still uses prophets and how they benefit the body of Christ today.

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