Reject the Holiday Blues
In these times, it can seem like the Lord has forsaken you, and mourning the loss of something precious is natural.
In these times, it can seem like the Lord has forsaken you, and mourning the loss of something precious is natural.
Faith, Exercise, Diet and Nutrition are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, but wholeness is achieved from the inside out – Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body.
Sure, you can eat whatever you want to eat. We’re all going to die anyway, right? That is true. We are all going to die at some point, but what will your quality of life be?
If we want to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind, we have a part to play. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, it is the word of God that gives us faith and only by hearing it through reading, studying and through his messengers, will we have the faith we need to be transformed.
(c) Copyright 2005-2024 Arletia Mayfield @ TPS Publications, a division of The prophetic Scribe ministries. all rights reserved.