An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes

Why I don’t Zumba

Why I don't Zumba by Arletia Mayfiels aka The Prophetic Scribe

I know that a lot of my Christians friends enjoy Zumba and I’m not condemning it, but I thought I would share why I don’t Zumba. 

I have danced since I was 5 years old – Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Modern dance.  You name it, I took classes in it.  In high school and college I was in a performing dance troupe.  We danced on stages (large and small) – from senior centers to city auditoriums.

As I got older, my dance became more sensual.  It was only by the grace of God that I didn’t end up dancing on a pole somewhere.  I had no problem with nudity or seduction, but I do believe I had the Holy Spirit.  I was raised in the church and I knew God intimately.  I used to talk to God as a child, and often wrote Him letters in my journal.  So, even though as an adult, I was a backslider, there were just some things the Holy Spirit would not let me do.  Anyway, when I recommitted my life to Christ, He took my dance away.  I stopped going to nightclubs so I didn’t have that outlet and I just stopped dancing for years.

Then one day, as I was listening to some gospel music on my way to work, the Lord said to me, “You’re going to dance for me.”  I was excited.  I understood immediately why I had not danced for so long.  The Lord needed to purge me completely of my dance of the past.  It was a few weeks later that an announcement was made at church to join the praise dance team. I knew that was the open door that I was supposed to walk through.  My dance changed drastically.  It was sanctified.  It was different.  I did not move my body the way I used to.  It was all new.  I have been dancing for the Lord ever since.

One day I was invited to a Zumba class with some women from church.  I was uncomfortable with the music and the movements.  It was too much like my dance of the past.  My body, my spirit and my soul didn’t like it anymore.  It was like going back to the way that I used to be. I had a vision of taking off my priestly garment and revealing a corset, garter and stockings underneath.  It stirred up that sensual nature that used to get me into so much trouble back in the day.

I still love music.  I still love to dance.  I want to be sensual with my husband and intimate with God, but my body only responds to movement that honors God and pleases my husband. Believe me, I have come a long way.  I’m not condeming anyone.  I just wanted to share my journey to sanctification to prove that people do change. I did.

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Arletia Mayfield aka The Prophetic Scribe is an ordained minister, missionary, chaplain and Bible teacher. She is an author and the publisher of TPS Publications providing resources and tools to creatively share the Good News of the Gospel of  Jesus Christ.