An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes

The Prophetic Scribe Writer’s Forum

The Prophetic Scribe Writer's Forum is a platform for honing your scribal gifts through exercises, journaling prompts, and poetry. It provides opportunities to tell stories that unlock the potential of God's people through memoirs, testimonies, and storytelling.
The Prophetic Scribe Writer’s Forum began in Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2005, initially as a prophetic writing class within the church and later evolved into an Internet radio show. Its primary focus was to unite Christian writers to explore the power of our testimony as a spiritual weapon against the adversary.

Today, The Prophetic Scribe Writer’s Forum continues online with a renewed emphasis on intentional journaling, memoir writing, and storytelling. These practices serve as transformative tools for Christian writers seeking healing from past wounds, drawing them closer to Christ and enabling them to live lives filled with abundant joy, prosperity, and purpose.

Through practices such as confession, repentance, prayer, Bible study, and meditating on God’s Word, The Prophetic Scribe Ministries offers resources to help Christian writers clear away obstacles hindering their pure connection to God. Writers are encouraged to delve deep into their souls, uncovering hidden treasures buried beneath misconceptions, judgments, and habits that impede their fulfillment of God’s purpose.

The Prophetic Scribe Writer’s Forum serves as a sanctuary for healing and growth, urging Christian writers to submit to God’s guidance and listen to the Holy Spirit within. By writing their way to wholeness and holiness, writers are empowered to boldly share their stories, offering hope and healing to others.

Scriptures foundational to The Prophetic Scribe ministry include:

  • Romans 8:1 – “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” This scripture promises freedom from sin and condemnation to those who follow God’s will instead of their own desires.

  • Revelation 12:11 – “…And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” This scripture underscores the power of sharing testimonies to lead others to salvation and encourage believers to live holy lives according to God’s Word.

  • Revelation 1:19 – “Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.” This scripture calls prophetic scribes to proclaim the testimony of Christ through witness, prophecy, and teaching.

Visitors to The Prophetic Scribe Ministries website will find articles, resources, and writing exercises designed to deepen faith and discern God’s purpose for their lives.

Every life holds significance and a potential legacy. By sharing stories that unlock spiritual freedom and liberation, writers fulfill their calling to testify to the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Your story matters—share it boldly.

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Arletia Mayfield aka The Prophetic Scribe is an ordained minister, missionary, chaplain and Bible teacher. She is an author and the publisher of TPS Publications providing resources and tools to creatively share the Good News of the Gospel of  Jesus Christ.