An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes


Words that Hurt

We must be very careful how we speak to people that we are ministering to. Even if we believe that we are speaking truth, we must be especially concerned about how it is received by the listener. If in our self-righteousness we believe that telling the truth is all that matters, we risk hurting God’s people. If we walk in false humility believing that we are doing good no matter what effect it has on people, we are not doing the will of the father and we will be held accountable.

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SPEAK LIFE! Declarations and Decrees for Growing in Faith

These are decrees and declarations that I believe (fully expect) God to fulfill according to His will for my life. Although I have personalized this [for the sake of the testimony to God’s glory], if any of these prayers touch your heart, feel free to pray in agreement with me that we may be on one accord as we pray, activating the promises of God into our lives. [James 5:16].

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Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Cain, the first-born son of Adam and Eve, first spoke these words after he murdered his brother, Able. God held Cain accountable for his sin, and he was cursed. [Gen 4:9-11].

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