I Give you Praise
Worship Flag Ministry by Arletia Mayfield to I give you praise by Chicago Mass Choir.
Worship Flag Ministry by Arletia Mayfield to I give you praise by Chicago Mass Choir.
Worship Flag Ministry by Arletia Mayfield to Holy Forever by CeCe Winans.
7 Ways to use flags and banners in ministry (Book trailer)
Dramatic presentation by Arletia Mayfield of the sinful woman that wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair with Bible Study
In this monologue, Arletia Mayfield portrays Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus.
Arletia Mayfield gives us a dramatic, interpretive perspective into the mind, heart, and soul of the first woman, Eve. (Bible Study)
The purpose of House of Skits, a division of TPS Publications, is to provide quality Christian scripts for Christian skits to be used for Christian education and creative demonstrations in the church, in ministries, and in Christian organizations.
My name is Eve is part of the series “The Treasure Doesn’t Hunt” depicting women of the Bible from a personal point of view.
A Message to the Remnant Dance with flags by Arletia Mayfield
(c) Copyright 2005-2024 Arletia Mayfield @ TPS Publications, a division of The prophetic Scribe ministries. all rights reserved.