An Online Magazine for 21st Century Scribes

About TPS Ministries

Creative Scribes

My Name is Eve (Monologue)

My name is Eve is part of the series “The Treasure Doesn’t Hunt” depicting women of the Bible from a personal point of view.

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There’s no shame in being the Teacher’s Pet

When I entered college, my major was Legal Assistant, but one day I met a man named Bob who listened to my poetry and told me that I was too creative to waste it in a field that I would not enjoy. So, I changed my major to Radio/TV Broadcasting.

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Share Your Testimony

The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. Therefore, your testimony has the power to speak victory to someone who may not believe that they can make it through their current situation or condition. When you get free, help someone else get free by telling your story. That’s how we overcome the devil.

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My favorite Accessory – Ephesians 6:15

My favorite accessory is a poem written in response to a Bible Study assignment given by Pastor Michael McCoy, Word of Life Christian Church to give a personal testimony of the part of armor you most identify with.

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Scribal Warfare

Spiritual warfare has a fertile battle ground in the literary industry. The written word is very powerful. The truth is that anyone can write a

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Walking alone

I grew up being an advisor to kids my age, and even older people. Over the years there have been people who have sworn undying loyalty to me while I walked them through difficult times in their lives, but for no apparent reason they just stopped calling.

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