There’s no shame in being the Teacher’s Pet

When I entered college, my major was Legal Assistant, but one day I met a man named Bob who listened to my poetry and told me that I was too creative to waste it in a field that I would not enjoy. So, I changed my major to Radio/TV Broadcasting.

When I entered college, my major was Legal Assistant, but one day I met a man named Bob who worked for a radio station (KCBS News Radio).  He listened to my poetry and my voice and told me that I was too creative to waste it in a field that I would not enjoy. So, I changed my major to Radio/TV Broadcasting. I was a natural. In many of my classes, I was the only female. I was often the only African-American too, but my work stood out. I didn’t have any friends in these classes because I had nothing in common with my white, male, counterparts, but the professor (Mr. Lichtenstein) loved me because I took the courses seriously and carried myself as a professional. In fact, when an opportunity for an internship at a local radio station was posted, of all his students, he recommended me. I submitted a well-written, letter and was accepted, hired and promoted. Although I dropped out of school, my college professor considered me a success story and occasionally invited me to speak to his students. I went on to work for some of the major radio and television stations in the area and even produced shows of my own. Today, I co-own my own Internet television station with my husband.

I shared this testimony with my 12-year old daughter today.  I told her not to worry about other students that called her “teacher’s pet” or “brown-noser” because she strives to do her best in class. I told her that her teachers are in a position to do far more for her than any of the kids in her class. That teacher can recommend you for a scholarship, internship or an award that can propel you into your destiny. You may never see those kids again. I encouraged her to be her best and not to apologize for it.

Up until now, my daughter has been a follower and a people-pleaser that is easily influenced by others, but I declare that she is a leader who will set an example of excellence for those around her. If I can have a stronger influence on her than the peer-pressure of some ignorant children, then I will have done my job as a parent.

This year, she attends a Christian school, but I have heard the children at church talking about things I don’t want her involved in either. So, my job is to instill values that supersede what others are saying – values based on the Word of God – the values and morals that we, her parents deposit into her as an inheritance and a legacy.

Lord, bless and watch over my child. Lead her in your ways of righteousness. Teach her to stand on the principals of your word, even if it means standing alone. Protect her from harm and evil. Bless her mind and her body and her spirit. Bless the fruit of her hands. Bless her soul. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Daughter of the most high God,
Arletia Mayfield

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Arletia Mayfield is an ordained minister and the founder of The Prophetic Scribe Ministries & Publications. She offers courses and resources to help Christian writers and artists use their gifts in ministry. Arletia expresses her faith creatively through books, poetry, storytelling, skits, and worship with flags.