Preserve Your Family History: A Guide to the Best Tools

a list of resources to help you find the best tools to preserve the memories and stories of your loved ones.

Are you eager to capture and document your family history or write your memoir? We’ve compiled a list of resources to help you find the best tools to preserve the memories and stories of your loved ones.

Free Services

  1. FamilySearch: A free genealogy service that helps users trace their family lineage, create family trees, and access a vast collection of historical records.

Affordable Options

  1. StoryCorps App: A free app for capturing and sharing meaningful conversations, with the option to upload interviews to the StoryCorps Archive at the Library of Congress.
  2. Chatbooks: Offers affordable photo books that can be automatically generated from social media accounts or photo galleries, ideal for capturing everyday moments.
  3. PastBook: Specializes in converting digital pictures into printed photo albums, offering a simple way to create high-quality physical albums from social media and cloud storage.
  4. Mixbook: Provides a range of customizable photo books, calendars, and cards with various templates and complete creative control, often with reasonable pricing.

Mid-Range Options

  1. Storyworth: Sends weekly questions to loved ones and compiles their responses into a beautifully bound book, providing a physical keepsake of cherished memories.
  2. Legacybox: Digitizes physical media like photos, films, and tapes, converting them into digital formats such as DVDs, thumb drives, or digital downloads.

Premium Options

  1. Remento: Uses AI to transform recordings into written stories, printed into a hardcover book with QR codes linking to the original recordings, making family history a collaborative experience.
  2. LifeArk: A digital family time capsule that stores text, photos, audio, and video, simulating the feel of actual rooms and allowing items to be designated as heirlooms.
  3. Storii: Designed for care providers and senior care communities, this platform records, preserves, and shares life stories, engaging residents in reminiscence therapy and connecting families.
  4. Artkive: Focuses on preserving children’s artwork by professionally photographing, compiling, and printing them into custom books, ensuring children’s creativity is documented and cherished.

Customized and High-End Services

  1. No Story Lost: Offers personalized interviews conducted by professional historians, transcribed and combined with photos and documents into a custom-designed, archival-quality book, creating a family heirloom.

By ordering these resources based on their general price range, you can choose the best option that fits your budget and needs for preserving family memories and stories.

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Arletia Mayfield aka The Prophetic Scribe is an ordained minister, missionary, chaplain and Bible teacher. She is an author and the publisher of TPS Publications providing resources and tools to creatively share the Good News of the Gospel of  Jesus Christ.