A Date with the King (A story by The Prophetic Scribe)

This is the day she had been waiting for all week long. She had a date with the king. All week long, he was all she could think about. Although, they communicated several times a day, their relationship had grown more and more intimate over the years. She could not wait to get in his presence and worship him.

clearpool_46This is the day she had been waiting for all week long. She had a date with the king. All week long, he was all she could think about. Although, they communicated several times a day, their relationship had grown more and more intimate over the years. She could not wait to get in his presence and worship him.

She showered and took great care with her grooming. Truthfully, he did not care how she looked because when he looked at her, he saw her heart. Nevertheless, she wanted him to know how much she cared. That’s what he would see in her heart – her desire to be her best for him. She dressed her best for that job interview, that business meeting, and that young man that she knew had his eyes on her, and her king deserved even more, so she put forth the effort with great pleasure.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to make sure that she represented him well. When people looked at her, they would know by her attitude, her posture and her grace that she belonged to him. They would recognize her as a child of the king because the fruit of the spirit would be demonstrated through her interaction with people. Finally, she was ready for her date with the king, and anyone that she might encounter along the way.

It was time. She picked up her Bible and left the house. When she arrived at the church, she entered the house of God exuding warmth, and drawing the attention of the congregants with a smile that was sincere, genuine and inviting. She greeted her brothers and sisters with a holy kiss on the cheek and the children ran to hug her. As the worship service began, she forgot all about the people around her. She was transported beyond the veil, to the throne of God. She bowed at his feet and worshipped him. She praised his name and called him holy. She asked him if he was pleased with her, and he responded, “I am well pleased with you, daughter. You have been faithful with a little, so now I know that I can trust you with even more. All men will call you blessed.” She was overcome with thanks. As the tears of joy ran down her face, she became aware of her surroundings. As the service continued, the Lord spoke through the Pastor confirming the mysteries that God had revealed to her all week long in their conversations.

After church, she went to lunch. The glory of God was upon her. The people in the restaurant were intrigued by her as she sat at a table for two (only one was visible) enjoying her lunch. As she left the restaurant, a young woman approached her. She asked, “Don’t you feel strange eating lunch alone. You seem so comfortable. I always feel awkward when I’m alone in a restaurant. I feel like everyone is looking at me. Being alone doesn’t seem to bother you a bit. How do you do it … I mean, have that kind of confidence?” The woman of God smiled, “It’s really very simple. I’m never alone. Jesus is always with me. Do you have a relationship with Jesus?”

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” JOHN 12:32

c 2008 The Prophetic Scribe

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Arletia Mayfield aka The Prophetic Scribe is an ordained minister, missionary, chaplain and Bible teacher. She is an author and the publisher of TPS Publications providing resources and tools to creatively share the Good News of the Gospel of  Jesus Christ.